07 Apr 5 Tips on Packing
It’s time to make the move. Whether you are leaving the nest for the first time, upgrading or downsizing, you still have to pack up all your stuff. So why not make it easier on yourself? Instead of just dumping things into bags and boxes, check out our tips on how to pack up your goods quickly, safely and effectively.
Tip # 1 ~ Be Organized
There is nothing worse (besides having to pack up everything) then running out of supplies right in the middle of it all. So before you start, be sure to gather all the supplies you will need. This includes boxes, packing tape, bubblewrap/packing peanuts/newspaper and markers. Once you have your supplies on hand you can begin the sorting and packing process.
Tip # 2 ~ Pack Effectively
No one likes the task of packing things up, but try to resist the temptation of just dumping the contents into a box and taping it up. This method will leave you more work at the other end and will be very frustrating to go through. Also try to keep your boxes under the 50 pound mark. Any heavier than this and you run the risk of hurt backs and sore shoulders. In addition, a lot of boxes will weaken under such a heavy load, so you don’t want to have to repack any split cartons.
In addition, pack your heavy objects on the bottom and lighter things on top. This creates a good balance and won’t have the boxes toppling over from being top-heavy.
Tip # 3 ~ Packing the Fiddly Stuff
Small loose items like kids toys, jewelry and such should be packed into smaller boxes and marked, then added to a bigger box. This will keep it all organized and stop it from being misplaced or lost. These small items can also be packed in Zip Lock baggies to keep it all together.
Tip # 4 ~ Don’t Repack It
If it’s already packed, don’t repack it! Dresser drawers full of clothes do not have to be packed in boxes, it is already ready to roll. Simply duct tape the fronts of the dresser drawers so they don’t pop open when in transit and you’re ready to go. Also other items like flatware, that is already in a nice little tray, can be slid into bubble wrap and taped up to keep it from falling all over the place. Easy peasy.
Tip # 5 ~ Your Marker is Your Best Friend
This may be the most important tip of all; you have a marker so use it! Labeling all your boxes will save you a tremendous amount of time and hassle down the unpacking road. Label each and every box boldly on the front (not top) of the boxes. Another great idea is to label your essential boxes with “load last, unload first” written on them. This can include your toiletries, kitchen stuff, kids important must-haves etc. In a sea of brown boxes these little reminders are a great time-saver.
Take the hassle out of moving by following these simple tips. With a little prep work and the right tools and attitude your moving day can become a breeze.
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